THE CHALLENGE You have been challenged to enter the Tower of London, steal one or more of the Crown Jewels and escape. This is no easy task. Security within the Tower of London is such that you cannot bring anything with you which might assist you. All the equipment necessary must be gathered while you move around inside the Tower of London looking like an innocent visitor. You may wish to attempt the challenge individually or in teams.
5 Crown Jewels:
St Edward’s Crown, used during the Coronation
Prince of Wales’ Crown, used during the investiture of Prince Charles
Orb, representing the World, Sword representing Royal Power
Sceptre, representing the Church
1 Game Board; 2 set of cards; 4 Yeoman Warders; 4 flagged playing pieces and 4 unflagged playing pieces ; 4 coins; 2 dice.
THE BOARD The Wall Walk and the short approach to the Wall Walk from the Start position are coloured yellow. The Inner Ward is at ground level; here players move on the grey squares and on Yeoman Warders’ posts. The Inmost Ward comprises the approach to the White Tower and is shaded pale pink; while the interior of the White Tower is a darker shade of pink.
Tower Cards Players draw Tower Cards when instructed to do so. These cards provide the means to attempt the challenge, such as weapons, burglary tools and useful documents. They are drawn from the top of the shuffled pack, kept hidden from other players and retained until required. Collect these!
Raven Cards These are drawn when players land on plain grey squares in the Inner Ward. Players take the top card, show, read it aloud and obey the instructions. Cards are replaced to the bottom of the pack. Note: Both packs contain blank cards. These may be used to replace those lost or damaged but should be removed before play begins.
BEFORE PLAY BEGINS The point at which the game ends should be decided by the players at the beginning. There are two options:
- The first player who escapes with one of the Crown Jewels is the winner and the game is over.
- Play continues until all the Jewels are stolen and the player who escapes with the highest value in Jewels is the winner. In the event of a tie, the player achieving the highest value with the smallest number of Jewels is the winner. In the event of an unbreakable tie, the player holding St Edward’s Crown is the winner.
Both sets of cards must first be shuffled; Raven Cards are placed face down and Tower cards given to one player to distribute. One coin for each player is placed in the Mint, the Yeoman Warders are sent to their posts and the Crown Jewels are set out where indicated. All players are dealt three Tower Cards. The player throwing the highest number starts, using an unflagged playing piece.
THE DICE Players throw both dice and move the total thrown. A Double entitles the player to a further throw, but three successive doubles in a single turn will send a player straight to the Bloody Tower without completing the turn. If after throwing a double, a player is required to miss a turn, the player loses the right to throw again during that turn.
SPLITTING THE SEVEN When a total of seven is thrown, players have the choice of moving seven squares or splitting the move between themselves and another player for example, irrespective of the combination thrown, the player could move three squares and move another player four squares. This option would be taken to land on a particularly favourable square or to force an opponent into an unwelcome position. Players within the White Tower or Inmost Ward cannot be moved in this way by another player, but those within are entitled to split their moves if they wish.
Players moved under any circumstances must always obey any instructions on the square to which they have been moved, picking up Raven Cards or Tower Cards as appropriate.
THE WALL WALK All players must go once round the Wall Walk in an anticlockwise direction without descending to the Inner Ward unless they are instructed to do otherwise. The secret passage and the stairs leading down to the Inner Ward are out of bounds on the first circuit. Tower cards and coins are collected when players land on the appropriate towers and all instructions must be obeyed. Queen’s House marks the end of the Wall Walk.
ACCREDITATION Players must end their first circuit of the Wall Walk at Queen’s House regardless of the number thrown in order to become accredited by the Resident Governor of the Tower by presenting a Tower Pass or by throwing an odd number. Accreditation entitles players to change to a flagged playing piece and to enter the Inner ward on their next turn should they so wish. They may also move in any direction on the Wall Walk and attack other accredited players.
INNER WARD Once in the Inner Ward players can move in any direction, use the stairs to regain entry to the Wall Walk and move in any direction on the Wall Walk. A Raven Card must be taken on all unmarked squares in the Inner ward.
INMOST WARD AND WHITE TOWER Once in these areas players do not pick up Raven Cards, they are immune from attack and they cannot be moved by a Yeoman or another player although they are entitled to a split seven with a player outside if they wish. Play proceeds in the direction of the arrows. Backwards moves cannot be made.
- Movement proceeds along adjacent squares throughout the game.
- Players must not land on or pass over the same square twice during one turn.
- Diagonal moves cannot be made and walls cannot be penetrated.
- The secret passage counts as one move during a turn.
- Any number of players may occupy the same square.
- The Waterloo Barracks and grassed areas are out of bounds.
- Yeoman Warders at post block the way but players can pass unnoticed by playing a disguise card.
- Should a Yeoman Warder be called out to an occupied post, the player on the post is sent immediately to the Bloody Tower.
- Players may change any or all of their Tower Cards at any time in lieu of a turn by placing the unwanted cards to the bottom of the pack and then being dealt an equal number from the top.
SURRENDERING WEAPONS Players required to surrender their weapons must show all cards being surrendered to the other players before replacing them on the bottom of the pack. A player may challenge another if it is suspected that not all weapons have been surrendered. In this case, all the accused Tower Cards must be revealed to the other players. If the accuser is correct and weapons remain, the accused must surrender all Tower Cards held. If the accuser is wrong, the accuser must surrender all Tower Cards held to the pack. The accused’s revealed cards are also returned to the pack which is then shuffled. The accused is then dealt fresh cards to replace them.
STEALING THE JEWELS The Jewels are priceless and are symbols of royal power. They have been given notional values from 5 (St Edward’s Crown) to 1 (the Sword of State). Players can attempt to steal one or more of the Crown Jewels when burglary tools have been collected from the Tower Cards:
- Having landed on a square facing one of the Jewels, a player may announce the intention to steal that Jewel and lays face up the burglary tool or combination of tools which will be employed. More than one tool may be used, but not more than one of the same kind. This is then the end of the player’s turn.
- Each tool has a point value which must be subtracted from 12, i.e. the maximum possible on a single throw of the dice. On the players next turn, this number or a larger number must be thrown before the Jewel can be taken. If the number or a larger number is thrown the player has to wait for the next turn to try again and so on until success is achieved.
- If more than one card is played, the point values are added together and that number is then subtracted from 12. Only the Key cannot be combined with any other tool.
For example
A file with a value of 2 – throw 10 or more
A Crowbar with a value of 3 – throw 9 or more
Dynamite with a value of 5 – throw 7 or more
A Key with a value of 9 – throw 3 or more
A file and Dynamite with a combined value of 7 – throw 5 or more
- When the required number or a larger number is thrown, the player removes the Jewel from its case and the tools are returned to the bottom of the Tower Card pack. This is the end of that player’s turn.
- Should a player land on a square facing a jewel-case occupied by another, the first player to throw the qualifying number wins the Jewel. A player failing to gain a Jewel having been beaten to it by another thief must forfeit burglary tool(s) played by returning them to the bottom of the Tower Card pack.
- Having stolen one or more of the Crown Jewels, players may return to the White Tower to attempt another theft.
ATTACK Accredited players can rob their opponents of their Jewels and money if they wish by attacking them. They announce their intention to attack at the beginning of a turn and no dice are thrown. Play proceeds as follows.
- From Tower Cards held, the attacker selects the weapons judged necessary to win. The defender then selects in a similar fashion. Any combination can be used but not more than one of the same kind. Weapons are of varying degrees of effectiveness and this is indicated by the attack value marked on the cards. Armour can only be used in defence.
- Beginning with the attacker, the combatants lay their weapons face down on the table. The cards cannot now be changed. The cards are revealed and the player with the highest scoring weapon or collection of weapons wins. In the event of a tie, the defender always wins.
- A winning attacker assumes the loser’s position on the board and takes any Jewels or money held by the loser. Successful defenders retain their position but take all Jewels and money from their attacker. All losers go straight to Hospital to recover from their wounds. If a winner is already in possession of a coin, the money taken from the loser is returned to the Mint.
- All cards played during the encounter are returned to the Tower pack which is then shuffled. The winner reclaims from the top of the pack the same number of cards lost during the attack.
- A Sanctuary card may be played in defence against attack, the player retreating to the Chapel Royal. Attackers faced with this card retain their position and return their weapon cards to the bottom of the pack.
MONEY One coin must be collected by each player either by theft or from the Mint in the Devereux Tower. This will be needed to pay the ferryman before escaping from the Cradle Tower. Players can make an attempt on the Jewels before collecting their money, but no-one can leave without it. Players may hold only one coin at any time.
PRISON Players sent to the Beauchamp Tower can escape with rope, ladder, disguise, a Royal Pardon or by throwing a double. If a player is sent to the Bloody Tower, the only hope of escape is by throwing a double. When a double is thrown, the total on the disc is moved immediately. If after three attempts a double has not been thrown, the prisoner is released immediately.
THE RACK OF TORMENT The rack is situated in the basement of the White Tower. Players subjected to it must return any stolen Jewels still within the Tower of London to their cases, surrender cards or coin and suffer for three turns unless escaping with a rope on the next turn by playing a “Royal Pardon from the Rack” in which case they are released immediately without penalty and continue to play. If neither cards nor money are held, players must return to the Start position while remaining accredited.
THE ENDGAME You escape when you have paid the Ferryman and left the cradle Tower. Players may escape with one or more jewels and then return to the Tower of London to make further attempts at burglary. A player choosing this option remains accredited, returns all Tower Cards to the pack which is then shuffled and returns the coin to the Mint. The player receives three new cards from the tower Card pack and begins again from the Start position. Once taken out of the Tower of London the Jewels are secure. They cannot be taken by another player as a result of a successful attack and they are not surrendered for any other reason.
THE CARDS There are two packs of cards. The Raven Cards may help, hinder, annoy or infuriate you but they must be obeyed. The second pack, the Tower Cards, are all useful to you. You collect them and form your strategy round them. Remember that you may change any or all your Tower Cards instead of taking a turn. Blanks are provided so that you can replace lost or mutilated cards. Alternatively you might like to try inventing the odd card of your own.
RAVEN CARDS (Total of 59 cards) A card is taken each time a player lands on an unmarked square in the Inner Ward. The card is read aloud, shown to every player and the instructions obeyed if possible. It is then returned to the bottom of the pack.
YEOMAN WARDER SENT BACK TO BARRACKS... There are four yeoman Warders (they prefer not to be addressed as “Beefeaters”) at post at the beginning of the Game ready to assist players or to catch the unwary. A player drawing this card returns any Yeoman Warder to the Waterloo Barracks. If no Warders are at post the card is ignored and returned to the bottom of the pack.
YEOMAN WARDER CALLED OUT... If a post named on the card is unoccupied by a Yeoman Warder, one is taken from the Waterloo Barracks and placed on that post. If a player occupies that post, the player is sent to the Bloody Tower. The Warder blocks the way for players who may, however, slip past unnoticed on production of a disguise.
GO TO... A number of cards direct the players to a tower or building. Proceed there and obey any instructions. Others give the option of moving or staying in place and forfeiting the turn.
LOST! Proceed directly to Queen’s House. This is the end of your turn.
HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPH TAKEN WITH A YEOMAN WARDER Choose any square next to a Yeoman Warder’s post and if it is unmarked take another Raven Card. If no Warder is at the post you must stay where you are.
PECKED BY A RAVEN If you are attacked by a raven it is almost certainly your own fault. Your treatment in Hospital takes one turn.
REST ON A BENCH The benches are situated beside the White Tower. You must sit and read the guidebook for one turn and then leave the bench by the square opposite.
SEE THE GHOST OF ANNE BOLEYN Anne Boleyn was executed by her husband, Henry VIII, and her ghost has haunted the Tower for centuries. Seeing her gives you a nasty shock so you must proceed straight to the Chapel Royal to recover. This is the end of your turn.
OUT AFTER CURFEW The curfew bell is hung on the Bell Tower. If you are caught out after curfew you must present yourself there for one turn without taking a Tower Card. If you have a Tower Pass you may play it if you wish to remain at large.
HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY! This is a happy occasion and all players celebrate by taking a Tower Card. If the date really is April 21st when the game is being played all players each take two Tower Cards.
THE RESIDENT GOVERNOR INVITES YOU TO TEA This invitation cannot be refused so go directly to Queen’s House. This is the end of your turn. If you have a Tower Pass you may play it at the beginning of your next turn to make your excuses and leave. If not you must stay for one turn longer.
THE YEOMAN CLERK INVITES EVERYONE TO TEA EXCEPT YOU All other accredited players must attend. Do not feel offended – while your opponents are taking tea, you take another turn.
THE CHEIF YEOMAN WARDER PASSES YOU BY Take a Tower card. You are very lucky – if he suspected you were up to no good the Rack would be the least of your problems.
GO TO A PLACE OF INTEREST OF YOUR CHOICE You can move to any square, tower or building provided it is on the Wall Walk or in the Inner Ward, but not the White Tower or Inmost Ward.
JOIN A YEOMAN WARDER’S TOUR This is a guided tour of the Tower ending in the Mint in the Devereux Tower. Take your coin, if you have not already done so, and a Tower Card.
RUN OUT OF FILM In order to take more photographs while posing as a tourist you must go back to the shop to buy more, It takes you one turn.
HELD FOR QUESTIONING IN THE BOWYER TOWER This is not good. You will be tortured for three turns unless you throw a double in which case you are released immediately and move the number thrown. If you present a Royal Pardon you are, of course, released immediately. If you have a “Confession” card you may inform on one of your opponents (see Tower Cards) to obtain release.
STOPPED AND SEARCHED BY A YEOMAN WARDER This could be bad, if you are in possession of stolen Jewels. They will be seized and returned; you are then flung into the Bloody Tower after surrendering your weapons.
IMPRISONED IN THE BEAUCHAMP TOWER Many distinguished prisoners have been held here and you can read some of their inscriptions carved into the walls to pass the time. However, you may escape by playing a ladder, a rope or a disguise at the beginning of your next turn. If you are lucky enough to have a Royal Pardon you may leave immediately and throw again. If you have to stay, you cannot be attacked or moved by another player.
IMPRISONED IN THE BLOODY TOWER The most famous inmate of the Bloody Tower was Sir Walter Raleigh who spent thirteen years here in relative comfort. You will be held for three turns unless you throw a double.
TAKEN TO THE RACK OF TORMENT This is serious but not necessarily fatal. Naturally, you confess everything (unless you present a Royal Pardon valid only for the Rack). Any jewels you have still within the Tower of London are returned and either your Tower cards or your coin are confiscated: the choice is yours. You suffer for three turns, if you have neither cards nor a coin to hand in you must return to the Start, but you remain accredited.
TOWER CARDS (Total of 57 cards) As they are collected, these are hidden from the other players and used according to a player’s strategy. Once played they are returned to the bottom of the pack. They form four groups:
Weapons of varying degrees of effectiveness:
(5) Mace: Attack factor 2
(4) Dagger: Attack factor 3
(3) Sword: Attack factor 5
(3) Armour: Attack factor 8 (played in defence only)
(3) Crossbow: Attack factor 10
(3) Brace of Pistols: Attack factor 15
Burglary tools of varying degrees of effectiveness
(6) File: 2 points
(4) Crowbar: 3 points
(3) Dynamite: 5 points
(1) Key: 9 points
Aids to escape
(3) Disguise – pass a Yeoman Warder unnoticed or escape from prison.
(3) Rope and (3) Ladder – escape from the Beauchamp Tower, White Tower and the Rack where ropes and ladders are marked on the board.
(3) Royal Pardon: This entitles players to instant release from Torture and from the Beauchamp Tower prison. Players continue their turn after showing this card and then replacing it to the bottom of the pack. If players are moved or sent to the Bowyer Tower they may start their next turn by producing a Royal Pardon.
(1) Royal Pardon from the Rack: As above. But it can only save a player from being stretched on the Rack of Torment and not lesser forms of torture (Scold’s Bridle, thumbscrews, etc) which take place in the Bowyer Tower.
(4) Sanctuary: Playing this card entitles players to go straight to the Chapel Royal of St peter ad Vincula without the need to throw dice. This constitutes one turn. Players claiming sanctuary cannot be attacked or moved by another player but can only stay there for one turn.
(2) “Confession”: When landing on or taken to the Bowyer Tower for questioning under torture a player may obtain instant release on production of this card by informing on another player. The two swap places and the opponent suffers instead.
(3) Tower Pass: This is a useful document and can save time and inconvenience on several occasions. It entitles a player to instant accreditation when presented at Queen’s House after the initial tour of the Wall Walk. It also avoids the need to take tea in the Queen’s House and it entitles a player to remain at large after curfew. (See Raven Cards)